3 Ways to Get Unstuck

A few days ago I had an eye-opening moment. It happened in the least likely of places and from someone I had known for over 18 years. I was sitting on his chair….getting the usual. He was my barber and friend.

We began our conversation in pretty much the same way we do every month, speaking about some of his “same ol” frustrations.

He loves to talk about his problems, and… I love to listen.   

But… Today, it was different. He did something unusual.

Instead of just talking about his problems, repeating the same story and narrative over and over again, until he ends with the perfect haircut. Today, he asked a question and I could sense something different in his tone of voice.

He was tired.  He was frustrated. 

He wanted something different.

He couldn’t exactly pinpoint what he wanted, but he knew that something drastic had to change and that he needed help. So he took the next courageous step, which is often the hardest - he asked for help.

Do you ever find yourself feeling like, “Enough is enough….I’m so tired of this….I’ve tried so many things and nothing seems to work…I always end up right back where I started?”

If you’re feeling anything like my barber, then I want to offer you three ways to get unstuck and take that next courageous step:

  1. Acknowledge being stuck and that you haven’t figured it all out. That it’s ok.

  2. Give yourself permission to feel. If you need to cry, do it! If you need to get mad, do it! These emotions are energy that build up in our bodies.

  3. Curiosity to try and explore tools to help you heal.

“You have more control than you give yourself credit for.”

When we hold onto these emotions,  sometimes they can be directed at those around us in ways that are hurtful to those we love.  

One thing I know for sure is, we don’t mean to hurt loved ones.  I also know we don’t always have the tools or have been taught to use them, to deal with these feelings.

What if you could be guided to develop the tools to identify these emotions and release them?

Energy healing practices are a powerful way to move and release stuck energy and emotions. Reiki identifies what and where in the body these emotions are stored and also provides a safe environment for these emotions to surface so that you can heal.

Let it flow, to let it go

By moving this energy, people see spiritual, mental, and physical benefits. This level of deep healing is why I love Reiki and believe in sharing the experience with all.

Remember, we have all been stuck, so give yourself permission to let go and if you’d like to learn more together, we are here for you, just one phone call away. 201-429-5090


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We Have a Choice